Helping associations achieve success in developing non-dues revenue from advertising sales, exhibit sales, corporate memberships, and web-based solutions.
Integrating Sales To Maximize Revenue The for-profit sector has utilized it for years, and now associations are seeing the distinct advantages that come from an integrated approach to sales. Does your meetings department sell only exhibit space and sponsorships? Does your publications department sell only advertising? Does your organization have a common sales management database? Do your sales people share intelligence about their customers? If this has been how your sales functions have been managed, your organization is missing opportunities to maximize revenue while delivering more value to each customer...value they are receiving from your commercial competitors.
We have years of experience working with organizations to help them structure their sales functions, create cross-selling packages, identify additional sales opportunities, and retain and grow marketshare while competing successfully in their marketplace.
We offer a comprehensive assessment of your organization's sales structure, product offerings, pricing models, and competitive analysis so that your sales staff increases revenue as well as the number of companies with which they do business.
We offer a no-cost, no obligation 30 minute assessment that will help you decide if your current sales structure can sell more. Call 240-498-9674 today to learn more or to discuss your specific needs and concerns.